Welcome To BTL Marketing

BTL Marketing

BTL or below-the-line communication activities are focussed and directed towards a specific group of customers. This segmentation helps give a better reach to the specific audience for your brand through personalised reach out that promises a high rate of conversion. With BTL activities we track the results and benefit through a higher ROI. Being able to interact with customers also helps us understand and tweak the campaign for brand advantage.

BTL activities include

  •  Branding and Signage
  •  Direct Marketing : Roadshow, Exhibition, Pamplets, Sponsership events, Balloon Decoration and T-shirts etc..,
  •  Sponsorship : Events and competition
  •  Public Relations : Press conference, viral marketing
  •  Fixtures : Shop-in-shop
  •  Interior Decoration : Outlet and Marriages
  •  Meet & Launch
  •  In-store Promotion : Retail pop-ups, visual-merchandising, sampling, and sales promotion